
Using TMX


TMX is available on Packagist (kreemer/tmx) and as such installable via Composer.

composer require kreemer/tmx

Core Concepts

The library consist of three services:

You can also build up the object graph yourself, which can be exported to an actual tmx file afterwards.

Currently, only version 1.4 of the tmx format is fully supported, while the newer version (1.5) should also work as well.



use Tmx\Service\Parser;

$parser = new Parser();
$map = $parser->parse('filename.tmx');

The $map object contains about the parsed data. You can browse the api here.

Parsing data of a layer

If you wan’t to parse the data of a layer, you will soon find out that this library just saves the raw data in the LayerData object. Because of the different encodings and compressions, which can be used, this library provides a LayerDataReader service class to read this data and returns them as 2 dimensional array:


use Tmx\Service\Parser;
use Tmx\Service\LayerDataReader;

$layerDataReader = LayerDataReader::getDefaultLayerDataReader();

$parser = new Parser();
$map = $parser->parse('filename.tmx');

foreach ($map->getLayers() as $layer) {
    $tiles = $layerDataReader->readLayerData($layer->getLayerData());
    // process tiles array
    // $tiles = [
    //   [ 
    //     0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
    //   ],
    //   [ 
    //     0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
    //   ],
    //   ...
    // ]

In the previous example, the tiles array contains all tile ids, which this layer contains.

Find all layers

In the previous chapter we looped through all layers of a map. But the map object is not the only object which can contain layers. Also group layers can contain layers (but also nested group layers). To get all layers from all maps and groups, you can use the map service class:


use Tmx\Service\Parser;
use Tmx\Service\MapService;

$parser = new Parser();
$map = $parser->parse('filename.tmx');

$layers = MapService::findLayers($map);

foreach ($layers as $layer) {
  // loop through every layer

Creating maps manually

You can create the $map object also manually. Following is the simplest working example:


use Tmx\Map;
use Tmx\Image;
use Tmx\TileSet;
use Tmx\Layer;
use Tmx\LayerData;

$map = new Map();

$image = new Image();
$image->setSource(__DIR__ . '_tileSet' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'door_32x32.png');

$tileSet = new TileSet();

$layerData = new LayerData();

$layer = new Layer();


Tiles inside TileSets

You can manually define tiles with additional properties inside the TileSet object. While not necessary, it will help you if you want to later draw the map.


use Tmx\Tile;
use Tmx\TileSet;

$tileSet = new TileSet();
$tile = new Tile();
// Creating type or set animation frames

Tile management

If you manage the TileSet manually, there is a service class to help you to find Tile objects inside the TileSet object. It works by adding a StringProperty to a tile, which can later be identified:

use Tmx\TileSet;
use Tmx\Tile;
use Tmx\PropertyBag;
use Tmx\Property\StringProperty;
use Tmx\Service\TileFinder;

$tileSet = new TileSet();
$tile = new Tile();
$propertyBag = new PropertyBag();
$property = new StringProperty();

$tiles = TileFinder::findTileByProperty($tileSet, ['identifier' => 'grasTile']);

// tiles is an array which contains all tiles with
// a string property with the name 'identifier'
// and value 'grasTile'


The library provides the ability to transform the created map object into an image.

use Tmx\Service\Printer;
use Tmx\Map;

$map = new Map();
// create map manually or parse existing file

$printer = new Printer();
$printer->print($map, 'filename.png');

// you can also get the image object
$image = $printer->render($map);

The library uses the intervention image library. The method render() will result the generated image object.


The generated or parsed $map object can be saved with the writer service:

use Tmx\Service\Writer;
use Tmx\Map;

$map = new Map();
// create map manually or parse existing file

$printer = new Writer();
$printer->write($map, 'filename.tmx');

The generated file will include the map and the embedded tileset.


You can view the API documentation here